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We are all living through an unprecedented time, unlike any of us have experienced before. Never has our country voluntarily shut down its economy to protect the lives of all Americans. To make matters more confusing, we are a nation composed of very different states, and states made up of significantly different counties and cities. Travel and commerce across the country, or just throughout the expansive state of California, can expose much of the nation to the threat of COVID-19, but the risk and containment vary a great deal between Los Angeles and Eureka CA.
How we return to normalcy will be greatly determined by where we live and what we do for a living. Fortunately, at Advance Inheritance, our business does not require in-person contact with clients. Most of our work can be completed by telephone or electronically, and we process and advance cash to our clients by overnight mail or wire. Quite frankly, we are operating close to normal.
Unfortunately, many others are now sidelined and out of work because their jobs necessitate customer contact or close working conditions. For these people, a return to work will take greater care and new measures to assure safety.
If you are or know someone who is an heir to a probate estate and find yourself in need of a portion of an impending inheritance distribution, contact us at Advance Inheritance. We can help you in as little as 24 hours.
Contact us at funding@advanceinheritance.com or call us at 800-624-0878